
     Ever since I was a kid I have loved a good horror film.  You know, the kind of film that made you sink and squirm as far back into your seat as you could . . . the kind of film that got your heart pumping so hard and fast that you couldn’t wait for it to end . . . and then couldn't wait to go back and see it again.  Well, it’s twenty years later, and I just saw another film like that.

     True or not, “The Blair Witch Project” is one of the most scary and “real” films that I have seen in a long long time.  The film is based on the lives of three college filmmakers who disappear in the Black Hills Forest in Maryland while filming a documentary on the legendary Blair Witch.  An extensive search for the students produces no results and the case is left as unsolved.  A year later, however, their footage is found and forms the basis of this extraordinary film.

     The true mastery of the film is how it draws you in and makes you feel as though you are right there in the Black Hills Forest with the students.  You can just feel the tension building as the film nears its intense and horrifying climax. Best of all, the audience is able to experience these extreme emotions without having to sit through mindless “slash and gash” scenes are the basis of most horror films today.

     The Blair Witch Project is an extraordinary piece of filmmaking that I would recommend to anyone (as long as they want to get their pants scared off).  I intend to see this film again very soon . . . as soon as I can get up the courage.

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